ISDPR2 What Sewol Ferry Asks us: The Sociology of Disaster and Publicness Supported by the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Seoul National University Written by Dukjin Chang and others Contents 1. Questions Raised by the Sewol Ferry Disaster 2. Sinking of Sewol and the Sociology of Disaster 3. The Problem is Publicness 4. Disaster in the Age when “Us“ is Missing: The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 5. Hurricane Katrina: Who Calls It a Natural Disaster?.. 2019. 11. 25. Social Quality of Korea: From Theory to Praxis The research project 'Social Development and Social Quality' was first initiated in 2008 by the Institute of Social Development and Policy Research funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea. The institute was assigned to be the core research lab by the foundation and was provided long-term funding spanning nine years. In the project, a consortium of European social scientists, who orig.. 2019. 10. 21. 이전 1 다음