분류 전체보기42 Prof. Bae, Eun-Kyung (2) : the Interdisciplinary Program in Gender Studies in SNU Question: You are currently working as the head professor for the Interdisciplinary Program in Gender Studies. Do you see any changes in students’ attitudes or actions in the lecture room? Bae: There is not much change actually. Normally students who are interested in feminism and social issues that are related to gender take the women’s studies subjects that are offered. Those students who take.. 2019. 12. 10. Prof. Bae, Eun-kyung (1) : The (a)Social History of Korean Women's Birth Control Question: Your dissertation was titled, “(A)social history of Korean women’s birth control: 1950s-1970s” (2004). I think the low birthrate issue in Korean society today is an important one with “childbirth” becoming a key concept with broad implications beyond gender, to families, education, housing, social welfare, and all throughout society. Would it be possible for you to explain your thesis .. 2019. 12. 10. Durable gender inequality in the growing low-wage service industry (2015) Author: Hyunji Kwon(Professor, Department of Sociology, SNU), Young-Mi Kim(Professor, Department of Sociology, Yonsei University), Heiwon Kwon(Professor, Department of Business Administration, Dongduk women's university) Source: Economy and Society. No. 107 (15) pp. 44-78. (Link) This study looks into recent labor market changes in the growing service economy, applying a gender perspective. Rath.. 2019. 12. 9. What Sewol Ferry Asks us: The Sociology of Disaster and Publicness Supported by the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Seoul National University Written by Dukjin Chang and others Contents 1. Questions Raised by the Sewol Ferry Disaster 2. Sinking of Sewol and the Sociology of Disaster 3. The Problem is Publicness 4. Disaster in the Age when “Us“ is Missing: The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 5. Hurricane Katrina: Who Calls It a Natural Disaster?.. 2019. 11. 25. Research project on 'Comfort Women' Seoul National University’s Chung Chin Sung Research Team was officially organized in 2014 and the team specializes in archiving WWII Allied powers’ historical records related to the women drafted into the Japanese military’s system of sexual slavery, commonly known as “comfort women.” Since 2016, this team, along with the Seoul Metropolitan Government, has been engaged in the project of produci.. 2019. 11. 19. Social Quality of Korea: From Theory to Praxis The research project 'Social Development and Social Quality' was first initiated in 2008 by the Institute of Social Development and Policy Research funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea. The institute was assigned to be the core research lab by the foundation and was provided long-term funding spanning nine years. In the project, a consortium of European social scientists, who orig.. 2019. 10. 21. [Ph.D. Dissertation] Sora Kim: Study on the Creation and Transformation of South Korean Policies for Sexual Media Regulation Since 1987 Author: Sora Kim (Lecturer, Soongsil University) (This is a brief summary of her Ph.D. dissertation) Since the late 1980s, alongside the rise of various forms of media and a growing interest in bodies and sexuality, the question of how to deal with issues related to sexual media, particularly pornography, has become a pressing social problem. The areas of societal conflict and tension regarding .. 2019. 10. 21. [Ph.D. Dissertation] Deokhwa Hong: The Formation and Transformation of the Nuclear Industry in Korea Author: Deokhwa Hong (Assistant Professor, Chungbuk National University) * This is a brief summary of his Ph.D dissertation (2016) titled "The Formation and Transformation of the Nuclear Industry in Korea: Focusing on the Industrial Structure and the Modes of Regulation of the Nuclear Power Plant Sociotechnical Regime, 1967-2010." This study analyzes the formative and transformative processes of.. 2019. 10. 20. Introducing a new faculty - A talk with Prof. Dong-kyun Im The interview section is looking for in-depth discussions with sociologists at Seoul National University. For the first interviewee, we met newly-recruited professor Dong-kyun Lim and talked about his vision for future research, as well as his recent experience at Seoul National University. Q: Can you introduce your Ph.D dissertation? A: My dissertation is an analysis on cognition and attitude o.. 2019. 9. 13. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음