Jaeyeol Yee is a professor of sociology at Seoul National University.
His main research interests are organization, risk society, theory construction and Social Quality. He is graduated from Harvard University and has taught and worked in SNU since 1997. He is a director of Korea Social Science Data Archive (2016.9- now) and a Board of Trustees for Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies and Center for Social Entrepreneurship Studies.
Recent Publications
Jaeyeol Yee. Will you live in Korea, if be born again, 21century books, 2019.
Hokeun Song, Joonmo Cho, Jaeyeol Yee, Jeongku Yoon, Joon Han. Road to the Corporate Citizen: Becoming and Making, Nanam, 2019.
Myoung-Kyu Park and Jaeyeol Yee eds, Social Value and Social Innovation: Toward a Symbiotically Sustainable Community, Hanul Academy, 2018.
Cho Byeong Hee et al, Beyond Suffering Society: Integrative Approach of Social Well-being Research and Practice, 21st Century Books, 2018.
Jaeyeol Yee et al, Reflections of the Social Change in Korea, Jininjin, 2018.
Jaeyeol Yee, "From System Failture to Hidden Complexity: Changing Nature of Disasters in Korea," in Sang-Jin Han ed., Beyond Risk Society: Ulrich Beck and the Korean Debate, SNU Press, 2017.
E-mail address: jyyee@snu.ac.kr
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