Newsletter Vol.3(2020 Feb) - Emerging Issues in Korean Sociology
Sociology of Dreams, Myung-Kyu Park, Hong-Jung Kim. et al (2018)
Led by Professor Myung-Kyu Park, and Professor Hong-Jung Kim who are both professors in Department of Sociology, SNU, 『Sociology of Dreams』 is the edited volume on regards of Dream, Hope, and future in Sociological context, co-authored by twelve renowned Korean sociologists. It is the 11th book of the 《(Korean) Sociology Collection》 series which is planned and organized by the Korean Sociologica..
The Structure and Dynamics of the Korean Twitter Network, Dukjin Chang & Ghi-Hoon Ghim(2011)
Author Dukjin Chang (Professor, Dep. of Sociology, Seoul National University) Ghi-Hoon Ghim (CEO, Cyram inc./ Adjunct Professor, Dep. of Sociology, Seoul National University) Source Journal of Communication Research. No.48(1). 2011 (link) This paper aims to grasp the structure and dynamics of Twitter through the analysis on Korean Twitter Network. The authors identified 1,133,365 presumably Kore..
[Ph.D. Dissertation] Wonkwang Jo: The Social Construction of Medical Knowledge and Health Behavior
The Social Construction of Medical Knowledge and Health Behavior : using topic modeling on abstracts of breast cancer research and posts from online breast cancer patient forums Author: Jo, Wonkwang (Lecturer, Seoul National University/ Ph.D. Sociology) ** This is a brief summary of his Ph. D. Dissertation This paper seeks to study the process of the social construction of medical knowledge and ..
[M.A. Thesis] Minseo Cho: Social Politics of Unemployment and Cash Transfer; Focusing on the Case of Seoul Youth Allowance (2019)
* This paper is a Master’s thesis for the Department of Sociology at Seoul National University. This study analyzes the process of social politics regarding the social question of unemployment, focusing on institutional change of the Seoul City Youth Allowance (YA). Since the financial crisis in South Korea in 1997, unemployment has been a chronic social problem in the form of youth unemployment..
Jae-Hyung Kim_The Competition and Cooperation between the Japanese Government-General of Korea and Korean Society over the Issue of Vagrant Leprosy Patients (2019)
Author: Jae-Hyung Kim (Hanshin University) Cite: Jae-Hyung Kim. 2019. "The Competition and Cooperation between the Japanese Government-General of Korea and Korean Society over the Issue of Vagrant Leprosy Patients." Democracy and Human Rights 19(1): 123-164. 더보기 Research on vagrants in colonial Joseon has been largely conducted with a focus on the Japanese Government-General of Korea as an actor..
The Structure and Dynamics of the Korean Twitter Network, Dukjin Chang & Ghi-Hoon Ghim(2011)
Author Dukjin Chang (Professor, Dep. of Sociology, Seoul National University) Ghi-Hoon Ghim (CEO, Cyram inc./ Adjunct Professor, Dep. of Sociology, Seoul National University) Source Journal of Communication Research. No.48(1). 2011 (link) This paper aims to grasp the structure and dynamics of Twitter through the analysis on Korean Twitter Network. The authors identified 1,133,365 presumably Kore..
Prof. Jaeyeol Yee
Jaeyeol Yee is a professor of sociology at Seoul National University. His main research interests are organization, risk society, theory construction and Social Quality. He is graduated from Harvard University and has taught and worked in SNU since 1997. He is a director of Korea Social Science Data Archive (2016.9- now) and a Board of Trustees for Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies and Cente..
Prof. Dong-Kyun Im
Dong-Kyun Im is an associate professor of sociology at Seoul National University. He is interested in examining 1) the socio-cognitive mechanisms of political attitudes and collective behaviors, 2) the psychological basis of democratic citizenship, anti-authoritarian attitudes, and pro-social behaviors, and 3) how feelings of hope, expectations, and positive emotional experiences have social ori..
Prof. Shin-Kap Han
Shin-Kap Han is a professor of sociology at Seoul National University. He earned his Ph.D in Columbia University and worked at Cornell University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests are social organization (social networks, organizations and institutions), economic sociology, careers, Korean society (historical/contemporary) and quantitative methods. Recent pub..
[Ph.D. Dissertation] Wonkwang Jo: The Social Construction of Medical Knowledge and Health Behavior
The Social Construction of Medical Knowledge and Health Behavior : using topic modeling on abstracts of breast cancer research and posts from online breast cancer patient forums Author: Jo, Wonkwang (Lecturer, Seoul National University/ Ph.D. Sociology) ** This is a brief summary of his Ph. D. Dissertation This paper seeks to study the process of the social construction of medical knowledge and ..
Research project on 'Comfort Women'
Seoul National University’s Chung Chin Sung Research Team was officially organized in 2014 and the team specializes in archiving WWII Allied powers’ historical records related to the women drafted into the Japanese military’s system of sexual slavery, commonly known as “comfort women.” Since 2016, this team, along with the Seoul Metropolitan Government, has been engaged in the project of produci..
The History and Research agenda of ISDPR (Institute of Social Development and Political Research)
website: The Institute of Social Development and Political Research (ISDPR) at Seoul National University (SNU), was founded on August, 31st 1965 by Professor Lee, Hye Young (1925-1979). The ISDPR has a close connection with SNU’s Department of Sociology as Prof. Lee, the founder and the first Director of the ISDPR, was a professor of Sociology. Many professors from the Department o..
New Publications on 'Comfort Women Project'
A research team, jointly led by Professor Jeong Jin-seong of the Seoul National University Institute for Social Development and Policy Research and Seoul City, has been seeking ways to uncover and share historical data regarding comfort women. Among their efforts is the digital archiving project. They have found the Allied Forces’ records about the Korean victims of Japanese sexual enslavement, ..
Durable gender inequality in the growing low-wage service industry (2015)
Author: Hyunji Kwon(Professor, Department of Sociology, SNU), Young-Mi Kim(Professor, Department of Sociology, Yonsei University), Heiwon Kwon(Professor, Department of Business Administration, Dongduk women's university) Source: Economy and Society. No. 107 (15) pp. 44-78. (Link) This study looks into recent labor market changes in the growing service economy, applying a gender perspective. Rath..
Survival, Survivalism, Young Generation from the Viewpoint of the Sociology of the Heart (2015)
Author: Hong-Jung Kim (Professor, Department of Sociology, SNU) Source: Korean Journal of Sociology, 49(1), 179-212. In the 21st century, Korean society has witnessed an explosion of discourses regarding the younger generation, given names such as the Sampo Generation, Spoon Class Generation, and 880,000 Won Generation, where they are portrayed as seeking escape from individual struggles rather ..
The Impact of Changes in Household Living Arrangements on the Poverty Rate among Elderly People in South Korea(2016)
Author: Keong Suk Park (Professor, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University) Mi Seon Kim (PhD. Student, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University) Source: Korean Journal of Sociology, 50(1), 221-253. Decreases in the number of households with elderly parents living with their children and increases in the number of elderly single-person or couple households are the main factor..
Punishing Sexual Violence: the Discourse and Practice of Sexual Violence Policy in the 2000s (2014)
Author: Jihyun Choo (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University) Source: Journal of Korean Women's Studies, 30(3), 45-84. I. Introduction 1. Framing the problem Punitiveness, the discourse and practice of focusing on penalties, social isolation, and zero tolerance towards criminals, has been an ongoing trend in criminal policy, including policy related to sexual viol..